Tuesday 22 November 2011

Meeting 5

This week the format for my usual meeting changed slightly (in a similar way the third film in a franchise shakes up the format). My meeting took place at at Sparkhouse studios however my editor was out obtaining materials for a story, this week my meeting was with reporter Alex Coleman.

Alex begun our meeting by telling me that NHS press office had contacted them about my stimulant story and an interview is arranged with a senior member of the local NHS which will take place after half 3. I plan to use the universities phone recording studio so I can possibly add a multi platform element my story. I hope this will add emphasis to the angle of my story which is the dangers of using them and add authority. According to Ceicle Wright ‘Experts can be called upon to add authority to a news item or feature. They are particularly useful of radio, which likes calling in experts to add an authoritative view to a major issue of the day.’ Hopefully the expert can add authority to the story and despite the theory going that is useful for radio I’m hoping this could transfer into a podcast like format.

So the stories I pitched this week were:

  1. A feature piece on the University Library- Recently the public library has announced an amnesty on over due books. I want to investigate if this was the same for the university library and also look into if the library is open to the public and explore an angle from their. So to break it down further with some theory I’m borrowing the Jane Taylor’s feature structure to break down my planning and angle-
Publication- The Lincolnite and as discussed caters to the people of Lincoln in the C1 and above NRS categories which means they are savy with new technology, this opens up the possibility to uploading recordings I take from interviews.
Subject matter- The subject of the university library.
Approach and purpose- I’ll make contact with the university via it’s press office and ask to speak to the library staff and general information about the library itself like if it’s open to the public.
Narrative strategies- Of course I’ll keep the 5W’s but when I write for online I must take KISS (Keep It Simple Sweetie) into consideration. The format of online needs to be kept short to keep peoples attention.

  1. Dick Turpin graphic novel- Mowhawk media (yes it’s related to Mr T, heres the link of where I found the story http://www.facebook.com/#!/official.dickturpin) is releasing a graphic novel revolving around the life of Dick Turpin, my early research shows he has some history around the local area. The boundaries of the story is to find out if it will be covering his time in the Lincoln area. However according the Chirs Frost I need to make sure the subject is suitable for my target audience, he writes ‘You need to know the target audience well to make decisions about the use of the story’ I feel my target audience are aware of Dick Turpin and local history with a dark twist could be interesting for them. Using Jane Taylor’s theory again I will break down my story-
Publication- As above
Subject matter- A graphic novel of Dick Turpin.
Approach and purpose- Looking into the history of Dick Turpin and interviewing someone from Mowhawk media to see if theirs an emphasis on the local area.
Narrative strageties- As above.

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